So, what's it like to drive Interstate 5 from 'Frisco to L.A., you've always wondered. I can help with that. First, double click on the photo above. Then, stare at it for several hours. You are allowed to listen to a book on tape while you're doing this. You are permitted to listen a second time if you wish. Sitting at your computer, you will feel as if you are not moving at all. Of course, you're not; but the sensation at 75 mph is quite similar. At hour number three, you'll notice that the mountains do not appear to be any closer than they were when you began.
Of course, I know you won't try this little experiment; but if you do, I know that after eight minutes you'll check your emails or sports scores or you'll just walk away from the computer. Lucky you. This was actually the good part. I hit Los Angeles, fearing the legendary traffic, but it wasn't so bad. Then I turned east, away from downtown, thoughts of the high desert creeping into my mind. Whammo! Traffic! Miles and miles of traffic! It was daylight when I entered the mix. I drove until the SUVs and sedans and Mercedes and pickups and vans faded into an infinite line of taillights.
So I didn't make it to Twenty-Nine Palms, the northern entry to Joshua Tree, as I had hoped. Close enough, though. The sun is just up as I write this. To the east beyond the palm trees and the Chuckee Cheese next door, the mountains beckon. The blue sky is cloudless. Two hours to go, more or less. Hiking by lunch time. I'm outta here.
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